Journal information

Indeks:Non Sinta, Garuda, Google Scholar
Afiliasi:Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
Rumpun Ilmu:Education including Education Management and Administration; Curriculum Development; Media and Teaching Material Development; Pre-School Education; Primary Education; Middle School Education; High School and Higher Education; Communication and Informatics
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Pengelola:Dr. Karona Cahya Susena S.E, M.M.

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About Journal

Journal of Dehasen Educational Review - JDER is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal publishing an academic article in the scope of Education including Education Management and Administration; Curriculum Development; Media and Teaching Material Development; Pre-School Education; Primary Education; Middle School Education; High School and Higher Education; Communication and Informatics Technolgy based Education Development also Subject Matter Development. JDER is published by the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. JDER is published every four months each year (March; July and November).